Wednesday 1 February 2012

"The restless photographer, never seems to have enough equipment." - 365 Project, Day 332

One big thing people want with their cameras is great low-light shooting.  I find this funny, because A) people want the smallest camera possible with the most zoom, and B) people generally don't want to spend, say $450 (the price of the Canon S100) for their camera.  This is another issue I've touched on before, and not the subject of this post.

What is pretty impressive is how companies are really pushing the boundaries of what camera sensors can do.  The Fuji X-Pro 1 and the Canon G1X really promise incredible results, and with the samples that have come out, those promises seem to be realised.  Fuji promises their APS-C sensor will outperform full-fram sensors, and Canon is positioning their G1X to go toe-to-toe with compact system cameras.

We'll see where this all leads, but all I can say I'm glad I never really shot film, because there's no way film cameras can perform as well digital.  When a small compact camera can shoot usable shots at ISO6400, that says something about how far technology has come along.

Here's what we did today.


His note: "One little, two little, three little elephants."

My shot

To get the effect I wanted, I'd need a D3s.  Someone was having fun with spot lights (and I can't venture to guess who), and I tried to capture them in an interesting pattern.  That didn't work, so here's what I ended up with.

... I don't know how to finish this post.

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