Monday 20 February 2012

"Photography has increased my awareness." - 365 Project, Day 352

This is a simple but apt line.  It not only awareness of what goes on around you, but also of how do shoot the same thing but making it look interesting in different ways.

Unless you really know where I hang out and walk around, there's probably very little chance of looking at my picture from today and a few previous pictures and knowing they were taken from pretty much the same spot.  That's partly because I don't walk around different places sometimes, but it's also because I try as much as possible to use different angles and editing to mix things up. 

Our shots.


His note: Lamp and tree near the apartment bulding. Looked a little eerie.


This is really the first time I kind of repeat myself (other than shots from my own balcony).  I think I have a shot taken from pretty much the same spot I took this one from.  This is different in that I wanted to look for a saturated look.  It looks kind of fake, but that's exactly what I wanted.

Here's what I'm going to do tomorrow: take pictures.

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