Sunday 5 February 2012

"The photograph should be more interesting or more beautiful than what was photographed." - 365 Project, Day 341

It's always recommended that people try to take shots of the mundane and try to make them interesting - choose a different angle, put something different in that shot, or otherwise inject a little bit of yourself to make that shot fascinating and distinctive.

It would be a different kind of project to take photographs of amazing places and gorgeous things, but to make these as mundane and as normal as possible.  Take a picture of the Eiffel Tower, but make it seem inconsequential.  Take a picture of the Garnd Canyon and make it look small.  Take a picture of a lava flow at night and make it seem like an everyday occurrence.  These are nice shots, but somehow this idea seems to be easier said than done.

Here are our shots.


His note: Another view of the burried car in the parking lot.


Winterlude started yesterday and, today being Saturday, the park hosting the event was pretty busy.  I also prefer this generic Rideau Canal shot, anyway.  It's not as busy as I've seen it, and I'm surprised it wasn't busier given the gorgeous weather, but I suppose people were spread everywhere downtown today.  I boosted the contrast, trying to give it a harsh, but shadowy, feel.  It's probably not the way it should look, but it's a different look, and I especially like the clear blue sky at the top, contrasting the spotted canal in the res of the shot.

I will have something else tomorrow.

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