Wednesday 1 February 2012

"I don't speak emotionally about my pictures. That's for other people to do. I will say that I love my photographs. That's what keeps me going. That's what keeps me ambitious." - 365 Project, Day 338

It was intensely misty/foggy today and this is the best example I took.  It's quite difficult to take a shot of mist without making everything look white.  Even in post-production, tweaking the photo is pretty tricky.  You don't want to overdo it because it ends up looking fake, or not as misty as you want it to.

I'll explain.  Here is my shot for today.

This is the best shot of mist I've ever taken.  I'd prefer it if that apartment building in the back was a church (not to mention that it would make more sense in the shot) but I'll take what I can get.

Here's a slightly different tweak, a tiny bit darker:

And here's yet a slightly darker one:

My shot for the project is the brightest one and shows the least detail, but that's how misty it was.  Making the shot clearer also messes up the foreground, which is now completely dark and unrealistic.  The tombstones really didn't look at all like that.

My first edit is the least clear and distinctive, but is also the most realistic as to what I actually saw.  Editing through mist is a tough thing to do, and I think I found the right balance.

Onto the last month.  Thanks for sticking with me, and hopefully you'll stick around for longer.

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