Wednesday 1 February 2012

"In photography, like in all things, there are people who can see and others who cannot even look." - 365 Project, Day 336

If one could stroll down to the corner store and purchase a can of inspiration, would this product sell?  Very well, I, and possibly many others, would assume.  This miracle can of inspiration might seem, well, inspirational; however, caveats follow.

In this free market of purchasers, would it inspire these purchasers in different ways, or would it conjure up the same thoughts in all individuals?  Would it inspire in all situations equally?  In addition, would this company of companies that found this miracle recipe ever run out of their godsend of a product?  Would their be elitists turning up their noses to this type of product, saying they don't need such hogwash?

If this product is such a popular commodity, one would assume addiction might become an outcome - and possible some may develop tolerances to inspiration.  Quitting this miracle would then require a patch, or if one had the courage to suddenly cease this can of inspiration, would your body lack all inspiration until such a time it may slowly, incrementally, produce levels of inspiration that equate pre-can normalcy?

Such are ramblings of a tired madman and should quite possibly not be taken seriously.  Instead, look at these photogaphs.


His note: Reflextions.


Her note: Ice cream with M&M's


My note: I'll make no qualms about this shot: it's not very good.  I stayed up late because of work (don't ask), and woke up late and didn't do much else for the rest of the day.  It was one of those days that I also didn't notice anything worth shooting.  The only good thing about this shot is that the noise gives it some sort of texture.

Last day January tomorrow, and we start the last month of this project the day after that.

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