Wednesday 29 February 2012

"A snap shot is a two-dimensional piece of paper. A photograph is a three-dimensional work of art." - 365 Project, Day 365

Technically, today is the last day of the project, given it's the 365th day, but there is one more day to February, being a leap year.

It's been a great year, trying out new things and taking tons of pictures.  I'll have all the weird stats tomorrow, but for today, it's more an impression of the project as a whole.

It was nice to have a few people try it out with me, though we lost a couple in the process.  I half-expected this, but seeing the support and creativity come out, even if it was only for a short time, was a very educational experience.

It was also nice to see everybody trying out new types of photography and going out of their general comfort zone.  Everybody tried landscapes, like sunrises and sunsets, but everybody tried macro-ish stuff, and even candid and street photography.  There was also studio-type stuff, with placed elements here and there.

I've really enjoyed doing this, and not only because I can say I did it, but also because, for the most part, I did learn a lot and I feel I have grown a little bit about being a photographer.  I do edit my shots more, and I do pretty only only shoot in RAW right now.

Thank you, Frank, Mandy and Shannon for joining me in this endeavour, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Here are our non-last shots for this project.


His note: Car wash curtain.

My shot

I just liked the colours in this kind-of sunset going on.  I've also tried to take a shot with a reflection in the building, but I'll settle with the colour reflecting on the side.

Onto tomorrow!

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