Wednesday 29 February 2012

"A technically perfect photograph can be the world’s most boring picture." - 365 Project, Day 362

I saw a music video the other day.  It was someone mixing dubstep with classical violin.  The best I can say is the video was crap, but the song sounded nice.  However, the dubstep was very... clean.  There was nothing particularly bad about the song, but it was very clean.

By the same token, I'm also on, and a lot of the shots are very, very nice.  However, they all look the same in style: all perfectly clear with nothing grungy at all about them.  It's all very sterile.

Having said that, my shot today is very weak, but it's all I had given the day wasn't all that nice to go out walking.

My lonely shot for the day.


My friend went snowboarding today so in her honour, I took a shot of Mount Vanier - some random snowbank on the end of someone's driveway.  Actually, the most interesting thing about this picture is that it's actually about 15MB, when the RAW file is 18MB, which is pretty rare, if you edit files at all.

We're entering the last few days now.  We'll see what happens tomorrow.

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