Sunday 5 February 2012

"The best people make the best photographs." - 365 Project, Day 340

I was thinking today about how some people simply like the sound of their own voice.  (Why I was thinking that is kind of unimportant at this juncture.)  That got me thinking, as well.  Are their some people that simply like the look of their own photography?  I don't mean, they like the shots they've taken - I mean they do nothing but look at their own photographs and dissect their own work instead of expanding their knowledge and looking at other people's work.

Another interesting question comes up: would this photographic narcissist also enjoy hearing him/herself talk?

Here are our shots we like looking at.


His note: The original photo was kind of dull so I added a little contrast, brightness and intensity and this was the result.


Her note: This phone case actually smells like bread.


Another cat picture, yes.  If it makes everything better, this one isn't mine.  His name is Kitou (or something pronounced that way).  For what it's worth, he's really shy but affectionate.  I just like the foreground and background separation.  The black and shot makes it noisier but I kind of like it that way.  I can't say enough good thing about the Fuji X10.

I don't know what I'll end up doing tomorrow.  Check back tomorrow to find out!

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