Tuesday 14 February 2012

"...to photograph is to frame, and to frame is to exclude." - 365 Project, Day 345

It's nice to show everything there is to show (I myself love wide-angle photography), but sometimes it's better to focus on one thing and let the imagine run wild about what's happening in the outer edges of a shot. Seeing, say, a photograph of someone with a big smile taking a picture at a fair or circus, but not seeing what this person is shooting is just one example.

Sometimes it's pretty obvious what's excluded, but that's okay, because the photographer figured that wasn't the most interesting subject out there.  It's all about the mood, the atmosphere and the intent.  Happy shooting!

Here's our output for the day.


His note: A large metal feather well balanced on a local monument.


I once took a picture of some arid, caked earth.  It was a hot summer for a while and the ground was completely dry and even cracked.  For some reason, I like cracks in things.  The paint here is peeling off, and it has lost its colour.  I also didn't want to show everything simply because looks better this way, not knowing what's around the sign.  (Hint: an intersection.)

What's tomorrow?  It's another day for pictures!

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