Tuesday 14 February 2012

"Wait a minute - I'm a journalist... I don't take sides, I take pictures." - 365 Project, Day 349

Truth be told, I'm kind of running out of ideas about things to ramble on about.  It's been almost a year now and I think I've talked about pretty much everything related to photography.  Given the last two weeks, I could talk about all the cameras that have been announced (and pretty much every company has announced new cameras), but that's pretty topical and I'd rather not talk about news all that much.

I suppose I just need to go out and take pictures to have stories to talk about.  After all, if I don't have stories to tell, I'll just have to wait until I hear one so I can relate it to you.  That might take a bit longer than I'd like, so I'll take the initiative.

Our inspiration for the day.


His note: What is it?


I was goofing off with longer exposures and noticed this line of red dots in the shot.  I looked around to figure out where that red light was and noticed my heater.  After about 10 minutes of messing around trying to write messages, this is the closest I got to anything.

Tomorrow's up.  See you then.

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