Saturday 30 July 2011

"Results are uncertain even among the more experienced photographers." - 365 Project, Day 152

I was carrying my camera through the lobby of my apartment building one day a little while back and one of the superintendents asked me what camera it was.  It seems that he is an almost-prize-winning photographer. Through ping-ponging photography stories back and forth, he enters a myriad of photography contests but always seems to come in second (and the winner, it seems, always wins my photoshopping their picture).

Now, the fact that he enters contests isn't important (nor is the fact that he always comes in second), but what is important is how many people take pictures for fun, and are excellent at it?  He was telling me that he caught a picture of a heron plucking a bird out of the water the other day, or the buildings he took in Montreal, and a few others.  He also told me that he's been offered money for his work, and that brings up the question I've had.  Many people have a primary vocation, and photography is only secondary.  How many, also, of these people could support themselves by photography alone if they tried?

Many people have a 365 project going, and many people have their own semi-business, or semi-pro website, but how many of these are following their dream?

On to the no-pros' pictures for the day.


His note: If I owned a Harley, it would be a Heritage Softail like this one.


Her note: Didn't have much to take today. When I got home from work I was so thirsty and this is what I had.  Mmmmmm.


In a movie, I heard the argument that, if you ask yourself whether you're in a dream or not, you're not, because when you're dreaming you never ask yourself that.  Whatever the shapes, colours, or events in a dream, they're always believed and never questioned.

I got my S95 back today, but they didn't fix it properly, so all I did was held it for about 20 minutes, then sent it back.  Hopefully it'll be fixed better than it was today, and I'll have a fully-functional camera in a few weeks.  As such, I'll be carrying my 7D with me semi-regularly for a little while longer.

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