Saturday 9 July 2011

"A picture is worth a thousand words." - 365 Project, Day 131

A picture can express more than words can say at times, but the opposite can also be true.  A colleague of mine who is going to photography school outside the city in a few months was showing me his portfolio.  He had some great shots and my favorite one was a terrific street shot of two people playing chess outside on a street corner.  It was black and white, and very striking.

In itself, this shot was great.  When he started telling me about how he took it, and the story behind it, it became an even better shot.  The context added a more personal touch and the story become intertwined with the photo he took, making it something special for everybody that listened to him.

There is another side of that coin, though.  Sometimes a shot is special because of the time and place of the photographer, and only shows something very bland.  A standard shot of a street corner where one was accosted by someone, who later became a significant other because of it is an interesting story, but not a particularly good photograph.

There is a very fine line between having a picture speak a thousand words, and having a thousand words add to that picture.

All of that to say, here are today's pictures.


His note: I was minding my own business today when a pigeon dropped by my balcony railing.  Then it decided to hop on my easel.  Maybe it thought it would give me pointers?


Her note: Home made lunch!

My picture
'Nuff said.

First Sunday I'm off in way too long tomorrow, so we'll see what that translates to as far as my picture-snapping is concerned.

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