Saturday 16 July 2011

"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph." - 365 Project, Day 138

How much, exactly, do portraits/photographs/snapshots reveal about the portrait/photograph/snapshot-taker?  Take myself, for example (why not?).  I have a fair variety in my 365 portfolio, but leanings towards people, often unbeknownst to them, are evident.  I've stated on, oh, let's say, two occasions, that I enjoy such endeavours, and, if I amass a tidy sum of, oh, $18 000, I would beeline it to the nearest camera boutique and purchase an M9 with a 50mm Noctilux (after which my sum wouldn't so tidy anymore).

Do these leanings indicate myself to be a people person, a voyeur, a lonesome companion seeker?  Perhaps none of these are true, but perhaps all of these are accurate, but seeing as I see everything from my own eyes, my view of myself is undeniably tainted.  Perhaps you see something I do not, though perhaps you don't care enough to look further than an elderly lady waiting for her ride, or skateboarder sitting on a bench, waiting for a bus.  Whatever your judgements and interpretations, it changes none of the subjects of my pictures.  It also changes nothing (if anything to begin with) of what my pictures say about me.

What do these pictures say about us as a group, then?


His note: For today, a little trickery.  I took yesterday's photo, cropped part of it, mirrored the crop and came up with this face-looking image.


Her note: Such a pretty sunset.


Another one of my weaker shots, I find.  I just didn't like the other shot main shot I took that I wanted to put up.  I pushed the ISO to 6400 but it didn't give the look I wanted.  I find it strange this lady was up on a Saturday night at 11pm watering her front lawn.

I'm unsure about what will happen tomorrow, but one thing is certain: I will not enjoy my alarm waking me up, even if I do enjoy the song immensely.

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