Tuesday 25 October 2011

"Just remember one of Farace Laws of photography: Sucess is hard, failure is easy." - 365 Project, Day 239

Can anything be the subject of a nice photograph?  I, as I do, was walking around on various streets, and happened to see a pile of rubbish.  It was in a backyard, and it was taking up a fair amount of square footage.  It was not smelly, but it was still rubbish - patio chairs, plastic bins, boxes and such.  I wondered: "If I take out my camera and starting taking pictures, will one of them end up being nice?"

I thought perhaps if it were black and white, it would make a nicer picture, or if the background were blown out enough, it might give the whole scene an interesting feel.  In the end, though, as I realised, a pile of junk is still a pile of junk.  The question, then, becomes, can a pile of junk end up being a nice picture?  I did not try, as, at the moment I was passing by this philosophical heap of trash, I did not feel like stopping and taking out my camera, trying to figure out if it would turn out being a gorgeous piece of art.  I would, though, let you answer this question.  Let me know what you're pondering.

Shannon has had a long couple of days so only Frank and I will be able to entertain you will our picture-taking prowess today.


His note: My younger son's first bass guitar.

My picture

I've taken a lot of pictures of sunsets, so I decided today, may a sunise(ish) would be nice.  Also, for some reason, I wanted to shoot things at ISO6400 to see what it would look like when it's bright outside.  As a result, I had to boost the shutter speed to something ridiculous.  In any case, even though the picture turned out really well, I realised I shoot this little park way too much.  Offhand, I remember 4 pictures featuring this place.  Well, as long as it still looks nice in the frame.

I think, besides being cold, tomorrow should yield some nice pictures.  I don't know how, it's just a feeling I have.

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