Monday 10 October 2011

"I am sometimes accused by my peers of printing my pictures too dark. All I can say is that it goes with the mood of melancholy that is induced by witnessing at close quarters such intractable situations of conflict and joylessness." - 365 Project, Day 224

Many of my own pictures are darker, and are taken during the twilighty hours of the day.  They do not, however, show conflict and joylessness (the author of the quote, Don McCullin, was a war photojournalist), or, at least, such is not my intention.  They should simply show everyday life, and dusk is part of that life.

I am, put simply, not a morning person, and that should say enough about most of my darker shots.  If I go outside to take pictures, it's more than likely when I'm awake, and I generally work during the day or spend time with friends or family during the day, and so nights are my time to shoot.  That's not to say I don't shoot during the day, but I find nights more lively and photogenic.

Our output:


His note: The sunset made the knob shadows look like spoons.


Her note: I was visiting a friend and I just asked if I could take a pic of his ear.


I promised my cat I'd spend my day with him (yes, I'm weird like that), so I stayed home to make him purr.  Therefore, this picture is from my balcony, but I really like the way it turns out.  It's bright and airy, and looks nice with all the colours.

I'm not sure what to think about tomorrow, but I definitely need to go buy some things that will make my life easier.

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