Sunday 9 October 2011

"All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget. In this - as in other ways - they are the opposite of paintings. Paintings record what the painter remembers. Because each one of us forgets different things, a photo more than a painting may change its meaning according to who is looking at it." - 365 Project, Day 223

It's amazing how many people tell me that they have a "big, good camera" at home.  I have a few questions about this statement.

1) Do they actually have an SLR, or simply an extended zoom camera, or simply an old, standard camera, that happens to be bigger?

2) If it is an SLR, do they know how to use it?  I don't mean how to turn it on a take a picture - I mean change its settings to get the picture they want.

3) If so, how often to they use it?  A lot of people don't want to bring these cameras along on vacation because of their bulk, and instead buy a mid-range or higher-level compact with a nice zoom.

4) If the answer is no to any of these, then why did they buy it in the first place?  I know very well  not everybody is as crazy as I am, but this is a valid question.  Why buy a standard car if you don't like using a clutch?  Why by a smartphone if you're only going to make and receive phone calls on it?  If you're going to spend a thousand dollars on a camera, why waste your money if you won't take advantage of its capabilities?

Here are our pictures for the day.


His note: Patio stones... Nice pattern.


Her note: First time I've ever seen white pumpkins.

My picture

I may not like everything Apple stands for, or does, but Mr. Jobs did leave his mark.  I like the way this picture turned out.  I was more focusing on the man looking at the notes, and by luck got the Apple logo in the picture, as well.

Once again, onto tomorrow!

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