Friday 2 September 2011

"Having a camera makes you no more a photographer than having a hammer and some nails makes you a carpenter." - 365 Project, Day 185

This thought has been said before in various ways, but it always applies.  I had a thought the other day akin to this, though less elegant.  It was more about a printing company that created posters and large prints than the photographer, but it's relatively similar.

There are some companies that will do black and white prints, but that only use black ink to do these, while some of the more professional ones will use actual white ink in the mixture to have the whites and create shades of gray.

Here's what we did.


His note: Flowers on a bed of stone in front of Pat's mother's house.


Her note: The new mailboxes.  (Well, sort of new.)

My picture

I was waiting for a friend who's leaving to go study in another city.  He showed up about an hour late to a party he created, which is actually pretty apt if you know him.  He eventually did show up and it was a fun evening.

On to Friday!

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