Saturday 17 September 2011

"I’ve never been successful at making films, really. I’ve never been able to do it right. And there’s something terrific about that. There’s something good about being a failure - it keeps you going." - 365 Project, Day 201

Manos: The Hands of Fate is arguably rated the worst movie ever made at IMDB.  (It may not hold the number 1 spot, but it has the lowest mean and has the most votes.  IMDB has a strange way of ranking movies sometimes.)  Plan 9 From Outer Space is generally regarded as being the worst movie ever made.  i would argue that these movies are not the worst out there.  The movies' technical ineptness actually adds to their entertainment value - people magically changing spots after a cut, the looping being horrible, the acting being bad, the lighting and cinematography being horrible and the overall direction being mind-blowing (as it, you want to shoot your head off).

I've also seen movies with a slightly higher level of polish, but that were simply horrible to look at and sit through (Feardotcom and Glitter come to mind).  One wonders if, say, the movies of Edward D. Wood, Jr., had they been slightly less ineptly made, would be as entertaining.  There is a value in camp.  In fact, camp often has a more genuine entertainment value, as it never tries to be something it's not, and if it does, it fails so miserably, it's highly entertaining.

For obvious reasons, Mr. Wood, Jr., Bert I Gordon, and even Roger Corman (and a slew of others), were never critical darlings, but that did not stop them from having some sort of filmmaking career (albeit with varying levels of success), and develop a reputation, for better or worse.

Here are today's successes.


His note: Hallway outside my door.


Her note: These forks are silver but the flash turned them black.


I was just taking random pictures of anything on my way back home and I liked this long-ish exposure.  I suppose the composition could be better, but at the time I took it I found it very intriguing.

On to tomorrow.  Don't expect much, as I'm pretty sure I'll be spending my day in bed, headache-y and all.

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