Saturday 10 September 2011

"If I have any ‘message’ worth giving to a beginner it is that there are no short cuts in photography." - 365 Project, Day 194

Like-minded people seem to enjoy spending time with each other (rather queer, I know).  For whatever reason, there exists websites wholly devoted to particular things that certain people enjoy, and those people congregate to said website to discuss various things, but by and large only that one particular thing.  

It is, then, not surprising that online communities have appeared where photography is the main part of the discussion.  These communities are a great geyser of news, information, opinions and advice.  They provide, novice and expert alike, with a great way to communicate with people of the same interests and share their experience and expertise.  With the likes of Flickr, 500px and Picasa Web, it's extremely easy to join a community with devoted followers ready to help and share, and in order to grow, it's almost essential to hear about others' experience and have them look at your work.

Today is also the return of Mandy to the project!  She's sent in a new picture.  Let's see what we have.


His note: Cool rays - actually lens reflections.


Mandy didn't have a note for this picture but she said that the wasp was very nice and didn't fly away when she went up close to it to take the picture.  It seemed happy to be a model, I suppose.


Her note: Looking down at my ice tea.


I had three pictures I liked today but I chose this one because it was the most aesthetically pleasing.  It doesn't really say much, at all, but it's got pretty blues and yellows.

I am looking forward to tomorrow.  I'll be buying a new toothbrush!  I'll probably take a few pictures also (maybe even of said toothbrush).

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