Wednesday 14 September 2011

"Above all, I know that life for a photographer cannot be a matter of indifference." - 365 Project, Day 198

Today's title, should it have been possible, would have been this song.  (Now, know it's technically possible to have what I want, but I don't want to go fiddling with random HTML code because really don't know enough of it to get what I want this time.)  It ties in to my own picture and the idea of flying through the air tying in to the bird in my picture.

Unfortunately, looking back at the video (and it has the same problem as Wynter Gordon's Talk Dirty video), it is simply horrible.  Low-budget videos usually, though there are exceptions;  creativity can certainly come into play (such as, well, pretty much anything OK Go has put up) and spruce up something that might otherwise be dull.  That's not to say more expensive music videos are always good, but they certainly are more polished.

There is something raw about low-budget shoots.  Everybody involved is in it for the fun of it, and there is usually lack of pressure from bean counters in studio offices.  Whatever they do, they don't think about the money, and it's all about the energy and the joy of actually doing what they're passionate about.

The same goes for photographers (or, to be fair, any kind of artist, or anything where there's a distinction between amateur and professional).  They never shoot something they don't find interesting in some way.  If they don't like the scenery and end up shooting it, they try different lighting, exposure or focus to make the scene interesting in some way.  Nobody takes a picture unless they like the scene, or they want to convey some sort of emotion by it; whether it's a drunken snapshot in a club or a majestic vista showing a tremendous valley, every picture is there for a reason.

Here are the reasons we grabbed our cameras today.


His note: Two Harleys for sale close to home.  Wish I had the money!


Her note: AAAAAAHKK!!


Her note: This guy tied a shopping cart to his scooter and drove away.


I decided to go walk around downtown and on the way back I caught this.  The reflection of the sky in the river, with the colours was nice, and the bird flying overhead gave it something extra.  To be fair, I've taken a picture of this river and buildings two or three dozen times, so I know how to frame it, but I liked the way it looked.

I know the kind of picture I want to take tomorrow.  Now, will I end up taking that kind of photo?

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