Monday 19 September 2011

"Photographers mistake the emotion they feel while taking the photo as a judgment that the photograph is good." - 365 Project, Day 203

People sometimes tell me they really like some of my pictures, but I don't think all that much of them, while some of my personal favourites go unnoticed.  For example, the background on one of my laptops is my entry from June 28th, and is a personal favourite, because it's an odd colour for a sunset, and mixed in with the rain it created an interesting picture.  However, I've had no feedback about that picture.

Maybe if you feel a particular emotion when you're taking a picture, you feel somehow attached to it, and therefore means more to you.  Because it brings back a special memory, the picture is simply more than just a picture, though to others it's nothing more than simply a picture.  It's a tough call, but photographers have to be brutal about their work, especially when it comes to choosing your best work.

Mandy told me today she's concentrating more on her painting so she's not really able to submit pictures.  I understand given the nature of her work, but hopefully she'll be able to come back soon.


His note: The rusty head of an old fire hydrant.  I wonder if it still works?


Her note: Ziplining is so much fun I recommend everyone should try it in their lifetime.


This picture introduces my fifth piece of hardware to this project.  It's not the best picture but it's first time I'm taking pictures with it.  I got it as a temporary camera while my S95 is being fixed.  The colours seem a bit bright, but we'll see how everything turns out.  This camera is also slightly more discreet than my big 7D.

We'll see about tomorrow.  I'm undecided about it yet.

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