Thursday 15 September 2011

"You can photograph anything now." - 365 Project, Day 199

I don't know when this sentence was pronounced, but I would think it's always the case.  I suppose cameras can be so small now that anything can be photographed, or they're so powerful, nothing is impossible.  We can photograph even photograph individual atoms all the way to the entire universe (or, rather, its background radiation).

Another way of interpreting that would to say there are no more taboos (though, were there any to begin with?).  Many strange things can pass as art, especially if it's black and white, or well-lit (as the old joke goes). For better or worse, photography seems relatively free and as long as the photographer doesn't want to make money off the photo, they can take almost anything to display it.  That's a nice feeling, and it definitely allows everybody to be as creative as possible.

Here's what we took today.


His note: Peek-a-boo Mao.


Her note: It's an ELEPHANT.  I was standing reeeeeeally close.


Her note: Loved the sunset and I tried to get a good shot of the flag but it was to windy.

My picture

This picture is probably only special to me.  I find this little house pretty interesting for some reason.  I don't know why, but I keep trying to take a picture of it.  The family living there is always doing things outside, and indeed, just on the left side of the house was someone doing something.  I figured if anything can be photographed, I should be able to photograph this, regardless of everything.

I finally got my Canon S95 back today, on the day the S100 was announced.  Go figure.  I'm happy to have it back and I expect to use it a fair amount, as well.

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