Sunday 14 August 2011

"The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it." - 365 Project, Day 167

This title again refers to something that plagues my pictures.  I want to keep trying to add some sort of meaning to my photos, but nothing seems to be coming together.  Take my picture today.

The context is more interesting than the picture.  This lonely pair of shoes was just on top of this mail drop off box, with no reason for them to be there.  The problem is that, were I to emphasize the oddity of the shoes in the middle of this place, I'd have to shoot the shoes in very wide angle, with nothing around them.  However, if I did that, I lose the focus of the shoes in the first place, and the picture just because a wide-angle shot of a street corner with a Canada Post mail box in it.  It is a conundrum, and I'll just have to keep working at it if I am to succeed in my achieving my goal.

Interesting pics today.  See below.


His note: Tried a quick time exposure with my new camera.  Poor quality but at least it can be done.


Her note: Storm clouds coming in.

(Indeed, they did.)


My note: If you get the reference to the song I'm, uh, referring to, then props to you!  Given the neighbourhood these shoes were in, I'm not sure I want to know how they go there.

Onto tomorrow.  I will try to take a lot of pictures, provided it stops raining by the time i want to walk around.

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