Tuesday 16 August 2011

"If I knew how to take a good photograph, I'd do it every time." - 365 Project, Day 169

Let's pretend, for some slim moment, that one would be able to create stunning photography at will.  Wouldn't that, then, create a certain level of boredom in your cranium?  Every human body, it seems, seeks out some level of challenge - in order to avoid that boredom.  This is the general reason one does not play a game of basketball with a 6-year-old (unless, of course, one is 6 years old).

Assuming photography would be on the easy side, there would be nothing left to learn, nothing left to experience and nothing that one has not already photographed (and stunningly, at that).  Wouldn't that be a pointless pastime  without any new rewards?  Having said that, creating pretty pictures every time seems to have some sort of appeal.

Today's pictures definitely have an appeal.


His note: Pat drove me to Manotick today.  We stopped at a water park by the river and saw this boat.  Decided to get a shot of it through the weeds.


Her note: Tonight's sunset.

(The colours were quite intense and it made for a, well, intensely pretty sunset.)

My picture

Looking back, I should have taken a picture closer to the ground, though that angle might not show the dock the right way.  I'm happy with this picture for some reason.

I will not be taking any pictures of any river tomorrow, but I'll try to take a picture of water.

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