Thursday 1 December 2011

"Oh, yeah. [The Leica M9 sensor] Made in Japan, too." - 365 Project, Day 276

When you think of the big camera manufacturers, you think of, say, Canon, Nikon, Sony/Konica, Leica, Olympus, Fuji, Panasonic, Zeiss, Hoya, or even Samsung, it's interesting to note how absolutely zero percent of these companies are from the United States.  The only photography powerhouse that's American is arguably Apple, with its iPhone 4/4s, given its popularity on Flickr, Twitter and the like, though its camera parts are split between American company Omnivision and Sony.  Though, to be fair, this is still a phone with a camera, as opposed to a camera proper.

In any case, I find it pretty interesting that no American company has jumped into the photography business to make money off it, given how competitive American companies are in every market.

Here are our entries into the competitive world of photography.


Her note: When I was making my lunch this morning the piece of bread looked like it had ears.

My pic

My note: I was walking to go meet up with a friend and liked that most of the traffic was coming out of the city/highway.  I've had the idea for a shot like this for a little while, but I like this, given the traffic is one-sided.

I will be gone for the weekend so I won't be able to post any new, uh, posts, until Sunday, but I'll have three days worth of pictures on Sunday!

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