Friday 9 December 2011

"You’ll remember a great image for the rest of your life." - 365 Project, Day 284

Listening to some songs can be painful (though I won't mention any names), watching some movies can be long (and not because of the running time), reading some books can be an exercise in futility (and not only if you're reading a book in a language you don't much understand).  Is looking at some photographs an exercise in patience?  Are some photographs simply that unpleasant to look at that forcing yourself to do so becomes an unpleasant experience?

Another questions emerges, out of this last thought.  If this photograph is so repulsive, why force yourself to peer at it for extended periods of time?  I suppose this task would be part of a masochistic experiment, if it were to be a reality.  In any case, I would hope that none of our photographs are as disheartening as this theoretical photo would be.

Here's our contribution to our daily masochism.


His note: My trusty homemade reading lamp.


Her note: Now that's a chocolate bar.


I was walking home and was trying to do the lomo thing with my phone.  Now, this doesn't really look like anything a Diana would do, but it's different, and thanks to the less-than-stellar low-light performance of cell phone cameras, it gave the shot a particular shot.  I would have preferred having more going on in the shot, like more cars, but I didn't want to go find a busier street for that, given a busier street would also mean a brighter street, and faster shutter speed.

I would hope my picture tomorrow will be more brightly-lit.

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