Wednesday 7 December 2011

"The world's coming to an end! ...Quick, grab your camera!" - 365 Project, Day 282

People always want to photograph new and different things.  If the world were to come to an end in a year, would anybody keep taking pictures?  Would, in the face of being completely gone in one year and one day, people still create things, knowing full well they would not be exist soon?

If someone were to stop taking pictures, what else would they do?  I suppose this last question has much more to do with personality traits and would end up being the same in any demographic.

Here's our output, end of the world tonight or not.


His note: This is the backdrop behind a reception desk. I could not photograph the entire pattern but I think the shadows make the texture more appealing.

My photo

Like I proposed, I took a picture of the morning outside my window.  I woke up before the sunset (not my choice, my job asked me nicely, of course), and took this shot.  It wasn't completely dark, like you can see, but the lights cast a very nice light.  You can also tell it was pretty early and I was still pretty sleepy because of how fuzzy it is.

I don't think I'll take any morning pictures tomorrow.

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