Tuesday 20 December 2011

"If you can't make it better make it bigger." - 365 Project, Day 295

One of my co-workers (who, incidentally isn't currently a co-worker) bought himself a nice, big SLR with a good lens because he wanted to learn photography.  His plan included taking pictures of things so he could blow them up and put them on his wall.  I don't talk to him too much anymore (because he's not currently a co-worker and all), so I'm not sure how his endeavour is turning out, but he had the right idea.

If you can't make it completely sharp, take a second picture and make every overly-fuzzy, which will give the picture a dreamy feel.

Here are our dreams.


His note: A little trickery with the silhouette of a tree, playing with saturation and hues.  Should have been part of the Halloween collection.


Her note: Couldn't resist taking this picture of my brother's dog.


Again, walking to work, this same type of scene showed up.  I couldn't help myself.  The black and white makes it more somber, as if it's in the middle of the night.  It's actually early morning, and the lonely person is walking wherever he's going.

I should have a more interesting picture tomorrow.  I have plans.  (In that, I'm planning on doing something, and not I have plans to do something with someone else or someones else.)

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