Tuesday 8 November 2011

"Think photographs should be provocative and not tell you what you already know. It takes no great powers or magic to reproduce somebody's face in a photograph. The magic is in seeing people in new ways." - 365 Project, Day 253

I remember, in a tenth grade class trip to Gaspe, I was on the train to our destination, listening to the radio.  A bunch of us had decided to stay up the night, and I was one of the ones that had actually stayed up all night.  I had a small portable radio and was trying to find a radio station to pass the time until everybody got up.  It was very difficult to find a song to listen to, until 5am, which was when all the stations started their morning shows.

Every city has to wake up live its day and die down.  Though I was technically not in a city, the idea is the same.  Wake up early enough, or stay up late enough, and you'll see things you'll never really see on a day-to-day basis.  I plan to one day wake up at 3 or 4am and walk around the city, taking pictures of Ottawa waking up.  I suppose I'll see normally-busy streets completely devoid of cars, bus numbers I don't really see during the day, and corner stores quickly preparing for the day ahead.  4am may seem pretty boring, but there's always the chance to take different photos.

These were not taken during ungodly hours, but they were still taken.


His note: Parking lot snakes.  This lot needs paving.


Her note: Had to take Jack today to get his nails trimmed.

My picture

As soon as I left my apartment to go take pictures, I see this scene.  It's definitely nothing special, but I like the empty half of the frame.  People are living their own lives, going somewhere.  I really wish a car would be going by in the frame, but I can't ask for everything.

Today was not the best of days, so let's hope for a better day tomorrow.

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