Tuesday 15 November 2011

"Photography, as we all know, is not real at all. It is an illusion of reality with which we create our own private world." - 365 Project, Day 260

They say photography is a reflection of yourself (or so I've read in so many photography quotes), so what does it mean when all my street shots have people far away from me?  We create our own world through out photography, and it should reflect our thoughts, beliefs and aesthetics.

I don't necessarily feel disconnected from this world, though sometimes I wish certain people would be disconnected.  I like the loneliness factor associated with a very small person is a very wide shot, though most of the time I don't feel lonely.

It's a strange and possibly probing though, though I don't like going into this any long consdering I've done too much introspecting in the past.  For now, I'll just enjoy photography.

Here's what we enjoyed.


His note: Don't know if this hole was man-made or carved by nature, but either way I thought it was interesting.


Her note: Taking a picture of a picture that is on my camera.

(I'm not sure why you didn't just send me the picture that's on the camera, though it is an interesting concept.)


This is probably a better shot for me than for you guys.  Two young ladies were walking down this street and one of them stopped to take something out of her bag.  It's kind of strange given the street is not in the best neighbourhood, they were not going to take a bus and it's not really a night were people go out to meet friends (let alone the fact that they were not going into a residential spot).  I think I creeped one of them out (the one not in the picture) because I was taking a picture of them, so I assume I was the type of person they were hoping to avoid.  It may not have even been worth it given not many people will notice this lady unless she's pointed out, as well.

I should have a brighter picture tomorrow.

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