Monday 7 November 2011

"Photography to me is catching a moment which is passing, and which is true." - 365 Project, Day 252

I definitely need a new compact camera.  I've been without one since July and I've lived without it since then, but I was waiting at a bus stop today and noticed at least half a dozen things I wished to photograph, from two friends randomly meeting there to this young girl with interestingly-ripped nylons.  It was pretty frustrating, as I know my 7D would have given me great shots, but would have also probably gotten me punched in various body parts I'd prefer not to be punched in.

The sheer size of the 7D is intimidating.  I've been looking at three cameras to replace my everyday shooting.  First, the Fuji X10, which is no X100, but will have to do given my budget.  It's got a retro styling, which is neat, and gives, it seems, good performance given its EXR CMOS sensor, that's slightly bigger than the Canon S95's (and S100's).  The second is the Olympus PEN Mini, with a 17mm f2.8 lens, or the 25mm f2.8 lens.  If would easily cost the most but would probably give me the best picture quality of the three.  I'd also have the most freedom given the interchangeability of the lenses and all.  The third is the trusty Canon S100, if I can get my hands on it.  It shows no signs of being released in Canada just yet, and I'd love to have a compact by the start of December for reasons you'll see in the beginning of December.  This would be the most compact of the cameras, but at this point I'd actually prefer the X10 over this one, and the PEN Mini is the one I'm most likely to end up with for reasons I'll not get into right now.

We'll see what happens.  For now, here's what we did.


His note: Two inukshuks.  Gifts from friends.


Her note: Decorating for the midnight launch [of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3].

My picture

So ends my week-long project of mundane things, though my picture from a couple days ago is debatably mundane.  I chose my shoes because, well, they were there on the floor.  Trying to edit them to enhance the detail was a bit tricky, but I ended up liking this picture, despite its blandness.

I should have a little more clarity on the what my next compact will be tomorrow.  I will let you know what I find out.

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