Tuesday 29 November 2011

"No one makes less sense than famous photographers. It's a good thing they have chosen a visual medium, as words are not their strong suit. Has anyone ever seen a collection of quotes full of as much useless pomposity as these?" - 365 Project, Day 274

This is day 274 of a 365-day project, so the delineation between start, finish and no more project, is pretty clear.  On March 1st, the project will be over.  This is easy.  What if the boundaries are slightly fuzzier?  I always hear of photographers having project, such as going to third world countries to bring their plight to more people, or specific portraits, or what-have-you.  How do these photographers know when their projects end?

Is there some point where the photographer loses interest, or can't take it anymore, or is ordered to stop by someone?  Does this person stop whenever they feel they have enough material for a project, or do they keep going until they find this one special shot that will make the project memorable?  Is it as simple as, say, I'm going to do this for a week and then stop and see what I have?  I suppose I just have to start such a project and see how it goes.

Here is the ongoingness of our project.


His note: These trees seem to be guarding the door.


Her note: I meant to send this pic awhile ago and totally forgot I took it. We were greeted by this guy at a Halloween party.


It was rainy outside.  I just wanted to make that clear.

Today, at work, a customer gave me a hug.  I made her day, more than I know, apparently, and she made me smile.  It was reciprocal, and worth every semi-negative occurrence that may have happened.  Let's hope tomorrow is similar in its overall output of positive

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