Friday 18 November 2011

"I like to feel that all my best photographs had strong personal visions and that a photograph that doesn't have a personal vision or doesn't communicate emotion fails." - 365 Project, Day 263

One small pet peeve I have is, not so much (as other photographers dislike) that everybody with an SLR calls themselves a photographer, but that people think they need an expensive camera to take good pictures.  It's undeniable that a better camera will make it easier to get a better picture, but you can get great shots with bad cameras.  It just takes vision and a willingness to learn.

Once you get a good camera, it will not promise perfect pictures, no matter the price.  You need to want to learn how to get the most out of the camera, and you need to learn how to use the camera.  A lot of people either don't seem to want to realise that, or simply believe that.  (A lot of people also seem to lack understanding of the concept that not every camera can do everything as well as every other camera.)  Once you get the equipment under your control, you can start spreading your vision through your pictures, and only then will you generally be happy with your photography.

I'm happy with my picture today.  I believe it shows my love of the subject matter.


His note: First Friday frost.  I don't like it.


Her note: The new plastic money.

(For those curious, this would be a one hundred dollar bill.)

My picture

This is one more in my line of sunrise pictures, though I have more sunsets to my name.  I like the sun behind the clouds and the effect it gives to the clouds.

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