Saturday 30 April 2011

"You’ve got to push yourself harder. You’ve got to start looking for pictures nobody else could take. You’ve got to take the tools you have and probe deeper." - 365 Project, Day 61

How creative is too creative?  It's been said plentifully that nothing is truly creative and only built on the ideas of something else.  Without getting too philosophical (about where that inspiration ultimately began), I will wonder about where these ideas come from.  What, as an example, would be a truly creative idea?  Say I consciously break every photography rule in the book, would that be creative?  Would it be more of a success if the picture were nice than if it weren't?

As one of my cousins might say, creativity is for wusses.  There is, quite frankly, nothing that would be shot right now that wouldn't resemble something that had been published in a book, or newspaper or the internet.  That doesn't, I suppose, stop one from being creative, as the same basic idea can originate in two different people without either of them being aware of each other.  I take pictures of stuffs I think look nice, regardless of whether it's been done before.  My picture today is no doubt unoriginal, but I like it, and that, I believe, is the most important part of photography.

Today's pictures are definitely indicative of the nice weather we've had today.  It was not planned; it just happened that way.


His note: There was a motorcycle swap meet on Carillon street in Vanier today. I went for a walk to see what was going on.  This is only a small part of the motorcycles that showed up.  Notice how close they park to each other so that more bikes can park.  It's a courtesy this with bikers.


Her note: What a beautiful day. Not even a cloud in the sky.


Apart from the bad spot removal I did because of the dirt that somehow appeared on my lens, I love this picture.  It's different, breaks the rule of thirds, has some dead space in most of the picture, but I find works.

Tomorrow should see the same weather, so we'll see what that brings.

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