Sunday 24 April 2011

"Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography." - 365 Project, Day 55

I've asked a few questions before, one of them having the effect of how many times you can take a picture of the one same thing before it gets too familiar.  What, then, about photographing things that look similar?  This is a somewhat similar question, but, being only similar and not the same, offers up a different answer.

Being simple-minded as I am, I have simple ideas, and one such idea was of a small side project (in addition to this 365 project) comprising nothing but shots of the sky.  This, you say, may not seem too interesting.  You would be right, and rightly so, if I were only to take pictures of a clear blue sky and nothing else.  My idea was taking pictures of clouds in the sky.  Every cloud is different and every pattern clouds create is different.  Combine that with the manipulative powers of Lightroom and some very nice shots emerge.  A whole folder of such nice shots could easily be used for computer/cell phone backgrounds, and could be a nice way of perhaps kick-starting my simple-mindedness into only half-simple-mindedness.

This is nothing staggering and, as I have said, a little silly, but I don't consider myself an especially creative person, so I'm proud of my simple idea.  This brings me to another thought I've had.  I don't know if I should add more content to this blog for the moment.  I've wanted to post more pictures than simply the 365 Project pictures, but something (thought I don't know what) is holding me back.

That, however, is not so important at this juncture.  The juncture that is important is today's pictures, and here they are.


His note: Air pockets left by the construction of my balcony. I wonder what air pockets are deeper inside?


Her note: I took an Easter hike with my Daddy today to take some photos together. This was really special to me. I saw a fellow daughter out in the sunshine, running with happiness.


Her note: Went out to the inlaws for Easter and just loved the view in the backyard.


I didn't go anywhere special today but the semi-cloudy sky did provide some inspiration.  The colours are altered a little given the original shot looked a little off, because of the way I shot the picture.

I hope everybody had a good Easter, and I shall see you tomorrow.

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