Sunday 10 April 2011

"If I saw something in my viewfinder that looked familiar to me, I would do something to shake it up." - 365 Project, Day 41

I've thought before about how many times a thing can be photographed before it gets old.  I seem to be unintentionally putting that into practice.  I have, I believe, showcased this magnificent parking lot thrice times by now.  Every time, however, is different, though I'm not sure how many other angles will work.  I'm not sure whether I'll get bored of this spot or not.

Would patience, I wonder, be a feature of most photographers?  I only ask this because it, on occasion, takes more than a few minutes to setup for a shot.  Sometimes, it takes more than a few attempts to get the perfect portrait at a model shoot, as well.  Perhaps it depends on the type of photography one is doing.  Are street photographers less patient than landscape photographers?  Say a type A personality lived their life with a camera stuck to their hand.  What memories would that SD card end up holding?  Maybe I should find a type A person (or simply strap a camera to my cat), and find out this answer.

As for the pictures today, here they are.


His note: This is the throne for our Brotherhood president.  It was made specially for him as a birthday gift and he uses it as his 'Head of the Table' chair when we have meetings.  It's a conversation piece as well as a kibitzing piece at every meeting.  He takes it all in stride LOL.  The pink bandana hanging from the handlebar is always on the throne and it is in memory of a close Sister who died while riding her motorcycle... Rest in Peace France


Her note: He had a BIG appetite!

Shannon (I edited out the license plate.)

Her note: How safe are our streets?

(Of course they're safe!  Do you really think drivers would do anything dangerous, geez...)

My picture

Once again, my favorite parking lot.  It was raining pretty hard when I left work and I didn't what what to expect out of this shot.  I was covering my camera with my arm so it wouldn't get wet.  It turned out well.  The raindrops are very clear, the reflection of the light isn't too strong and the angle is pretty nice.

Today is done, and I can hopefully do something fun tomorrow (like laundry) to upload a more interesting picture.

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