Tuesday 26 April 2011

"If you can smell the street by looking at the photo, it's a street photograph." - 365 Project, Day 57

There's a somewhat abrasive photographer called Bruce Gilden.  He walks the streets of Manhattan with a Leica in one hand and a flash in the other.  He pretty much pounces on his subjects as he shoots them, creating very particular shots.  He gets angry when people smile.

In any case, this has nothing to do with the point of the post, though he's the writer of the title today.  It wasn't the sunniest day outside, by an extreme longshot, and though it was warm enough, it was very humid, especially after the dumping of buckets upon buckets of rain for a few hours.  As I walked home, it smelled of humidity and worms. Though pungent, it was not the most appealing of smells my brain has processed.  I did think to myself, 'I wish I could capture this smell with a picture".  I don't know exactly what picture I would have taken to capture that smell (and not necessarily, as the title of this post proposes, with a street shot), but being able to smell that rank odor when looking at the picture would have made me happy.  Atmosphere, it seems, should speak for itself in this case.

Today's pictures are next, and probably not very smelly.


His note: The buds are finally out!


Mandy probably sent me a message to go along with this picture but I didn't get it unfortunately.  I do know that she looked at a lot of places before she finally found her Black Shatter nail polish.  Here it is with a yellow undercoat/base/primer (?).


Her note: Hmmmmm didn't know they made extra large peanut buttercups.


I was walking home and couldn't resist taking a shot of these two guys walking the other way.  I thank them more than they know for not looking back at me while I took a shot of them (for a few reasons).

I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I'm sure it will be different.

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