Thursday 21 April 2011

"Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop." - 365 Project, Day 52

How many pictures is too many?  It's a simple question.  The Nikon D3X and Canon 1D Mark IV have a life of 300,000 actuations (or, 300k pictures).  Now, will anybody seriously wear these out?  If they do, how many pictures out of those hundreds of thousands will actually be used for their intended purpose?  That may seem excessive, and it somewhat is excessive, given that the majority of people take only a few shots a week, if that.

I've taken upwards of a dozen pictures of a single thing, tweaking the settings to get the picture the way I wanted.  That's a ratio of 12 to 1, which isn't so bad.  My ratio of pictures I take to pictures I actually like (and would think of putting in a portfolio) is more like 100 to 1.  I don't, however, take a hundred pictures of something until I like the photo.  I know whether the subject of my photo is useful or useless after about three or four pictures at most.  I've taken slightly less than 400 in a couple of shoots and the most I've taken in a day is 1000.  Those are rare occasions, though, and my original thought still occurs to me.  Out of the 300,000 shots those two cameras mentioned can take, how many of them will actually be used?

To the pictures!  Shannon's picture, unfortunately got lost with emailing problems.  She also lost the picture from her phone somehow, so unfortunately she has no picture today.  Let's all console her with a big hug, and hope that her phone is nice to her tomorrow.


His note: I have company coming over tomorrow night and these will be part of the evening.


Her note: You are, after all, essentially irrational.


I was walking along going to buy a few things (still too chilly for the time of year, by the way) and liked the view down this street.  I liked the silhouette of the trees and houses, and the deep orange colour.  I did boost the orange and blue slightly, but only to replicate what I saw.

Tomorrow will be interesting, as I'll be helping someone shoot a video for them.  We'll see how that goes.

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