Monday 20 June 2011

"Photography is nothing - it's life that interests me." - 365 Project, Day 112

As much as I enjoy photography, I have to agree with this quote.  The act of carrying around a camera with me is appealing only because I can capture moments that may seem interesting.  If I could, I would carry my 7D around with my.  The camera itself is a piece of technology that helps me capture moments.  (Though, to be fair, I'm such a tech geek that I do enjoy cameras on technological levels and how much companies can push the capabilities of sensors and lenses, but that's beside the point for the moment.)  The moments capture are more important than the gear lugged around.

Life is so vast, intricate and complex that photographing it seems to, on occasion, be the only way to slow it down and view it.  I didn't take any pictures earlier today because I was busy, so I left my apartment as the sun was going down,, with a clear idea of the picture I wanted to take.  Instead, I got sidetracked with something else and a 10-minute walk turned into a 70-minute photo detour.  Things are fascinating if you look around.  I keep telling myself that one day I'll wake up in the middle of the night and won't be able to go to sleep.  I'll end up walking downtown at 4am just to take pictures and see what's going on.

A sunset, some stairs and a small airplane are the subjects today.  How many times will you hear that in your life?


His note: These stairs had a little charm.  I like their structure.


Her note: An airplane made from coke cans.


I didn't intend to take a picture of the sky today, but the clouds and the sunset were just a great combination today.  The colours and texture were just brilliant.  A bit of boosting and it looks very nice, if a bit fake.  I don't mind, because I really like this picture today.

I have a good feeling about tomorrow.  We'll see how that translates for pictures.

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