Thursday 30 June 2011

" Nothing happens when you sit at home. I always make it a point to carry a camera with me at all times… I just shoot at what interests me at that moment." - 365 Project, Day 122

Though a lot of things interest me in the city of Ottawa, let alone planet Earth (and, I assume, any other planet out there), there is a significant drawback to this curiosity.  Though digital photography has many advantages over film photography, a few things remain the same: quality optics are needed for the best photographs, it's still an expensive hobby, and storage space is always an issue.

Now, to be true, film takes up a lot more space than digital.  Roll upon roll, picture upon picture, slide upon slide, have to be stored somewhere and normally this meant boxes and boxes of dust-gathering bursts of creativity.  Digital has the same problem, though on a smaller scale.  My 500GB hard drive now only has about 20GB of free space left.  This tells me I have to spend more money on more storage, or stop shooting. (I could have said 'get rid of all the other crap that's on the drive, though I enjoying having my crap on there.)  Even when pictures are nothing more than 1s and 0s, storage can still remain a problem.

We're approaching Canada Day, and someone has decided to celebrate a bit early.


His note: Happy Canada Day!

(It's technically tomorrow, but we all get the idea, I'm sure.)


Her note: Now that's an antique!

My picture

Now, most people would assume I'm the person in the photo on the left.  I'm actually half hidden by the pillar near the centre of the picture.  That is what a street-style self-portrait looks like.

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