Thursday 2 June 2011

"The photographs don't arouse me. All I can think about is the hard work it took to make them." - 365 Project, Dy 94

Simple enough question: how does one get famous through photography?  Does one only need perseverance, or only talent, or only luck, or a combination of all of these factors?  In some fields *cough*music*cough*, talent sometimes takes a back seat to showmanship, or attention whoring, and so is photography the same?

It seems that sometimes all it takes is the one perfect shot to get noticed, regardless of actual inspiration or drive.  Today, where every third person has a decent camera, takes pictures and considers themselves a photographer (ahem), it seems statistically less likely that one will be able to support oneself solely on photography.  This thought, sadly, doesn't even take talent into account.  One wonders if, decades ago, it was just as easy to be considered a photographer if all someone had was a decent camera.

So, does talent come into play here, or is it mostly luck, or even finding a certain niche, to a certain extent?

Enough of this nonsense.  On to today's pictures!


His note: The wind was stupid strong again today.  I went to Canadian Tire to get stuff and this flag was blowing in the wind on its roof.


Her note: As I was driving to work this morning the sun looked pretty in my rear view mirror. And now that I look at the picture I find it kind of looks cool seeing the intersection as well.


I liked the idea of seeing the wind in something today.  Tall grass seemed like a good choice, and here it is.  If I had to, I'd angle myself so that big weed isn't in the front left, but I'll take this one, given the detail and colours.  I always wondered if trees and grass enjoyed the wind.  I figure it means they're free and they can dance around for a bit.

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