Thursday, 30 June 2011

" Nothing happens when you sit at home. I always make it a point to carry a camera with me at all times… I just shoot at what interests me at that moment." - 365 Project, Day 122

Though a lot of things interest me in the city of Ottawa, let alone planet Earth (and, I assume, any other planet out there), there is a significant drawback to this curiosity.  Though digital photography has many advantages over film photography, a few things remain the same: quality optics are needed for the best photographs, it's still an expensive hobby, and storage space is always an issue.

Now, to be true, film takes up a lot more space than digital.  Roll upon roll, picture upon picture, slide upon slide, have to be stored somewhere and normally this meant boxes and boxes of dust-gathering bursts of creativity.  Digital has the same problem, though on a smaller scale.  My 500GB hard drive now only has about 20GB of free space left.  This tells me I have to spend more money on more storage, or stop shooting. (I could have said 'get rid of all the other crap that's on the drive, though I enjoying having my crap on there.)  Even when pictures are nothing more than 1s and 0s, storage can still remain a problem.

We're approaching Canada Day, and someone has decided to celebrate a bit early.


His note: Happy Canada Day!

(It's technically tomorrow, but we all get the idea, I'm sure.)


Her note: Now that's an antique!

My picture

Now, most people would assume I'm the person in the photo on the left.  I'm actually half hidden by the pillar near the centre of the picture.  That is what a street-style self-portrait looks like.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

"I hate cameras. They are so much more sure than I am about everything." - 365 Project, Day 121

There is a rather strange subculture outside internetland (though they enjoy showing their exploits on such), that enjoys the spreading of various media showing what happens when their Nikons are thrust into extreme situations.  These generous photojournalists/photo enthusiasts are nice enough to display what happens when all sort of D90s, D700s, D3s and D3s's encounter snow, sleet, mud and what-have-you.  None of that, mind you, seem to affect how well these cameras perform.

Canon owners seem, in contrast, to enjoy showing what happens when their gear is broken into several million tiny pieces, especially their lenses.  Pictures and videos of broken L glass of varying worth are not uncommon, and goes to show you how unique Canon owners are to Nikon owners.  Or something of the sort.

None of this has anything to do with the pictures taken today, other than the fact that the day was rather cool comparatively, at least to the past few weeks.  Not that going outside today would be considered Canon abuse, but it made me remember all these videos I've seen.


His note: Stopped by the Parkdale Market today.  It wasn't a particularly nice day, it was raining.  But I like this market, fresh fruits and veggies galore (and garlic)!


This is what, I imagine, Yoshi looks like if you play any of the Mario games in France.


It was just that type of day today.  I don't particularly like showing pictures of my cat unless it's highly stylised, but the weather today was pretty much coughing in my face, so I decided to avoid it like I'd avoid something who would, well, cough in my face.

Hopefully tomorrow will be slightly nicer.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

"Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything." - 365 Project, Day 120

I am intensely tired right now and I'm not too sure why.  No matter.

People who follow this blog will see my picture and say, "not another shot from his balcony!"  Normally, I would agree with you, but today something strange happened, which I describe in my photo section.  This is a great example of something familiar showing something different.  I haven't seen these colours in the sky in a long time.  I suppose the combination of clouds and rain diffused the light by the sun to avoid any kind of colder colours to show through.  In any case, it creates a very nice photograph, and fans of 300 should be particularly pleased by its palette.

I now present to you today's pictures.


His note: This is a mural painted on the wall of a grocery store.  It seems to be a popular trend.  There are 5 such murals in a 5 block radius and they all depict early scenes of East Ottawa.  I like it!


Her note: Jenn eaging wings.


It rained pretty intensely for a while this evening, but before the sun went down, it peeked out of the clouds while it was still raining to create these very stunning warm colours.  It doesn't happen a lot, but it's definitely very nice.

I am pretty happy about the next three days.  Hopefully, that will translate into some nice pictures.

Monday, 27 June 2011

"To photograph truthfully and effectively is to see beneath the surfaces and record the qualities of nature and humanity which live or are latent in all things." - 365 Project, Day 119

Pick your niche, and embrace it, whatever it may be, because it may be your key to success (if, of course, it is what you desire).  Whether it be club photography or senior or student portraits, or something slightly more on the adult side of things, your niche is what will distinguish you from your peers.  Everybody has taken a great landscape picture, and everybody has probably taken (whether intentionally or not) a great street shot.  Not everybody can take a great picture with a pinhole camera, or with a Holga camera, or of a thousand ravers losing themselves amid beats and esctasy.

The downside of niche photography is fairly evident: by its very nature it appeals to a very small group of people, and those people may not be enough to completely support your lifestyle.  Whatever the cons, the pros seem to far outweigh them, though.  Chances are, if you know this niche and want to spend your time with it, you enjoy it thoroughly.  The customers and participants also have a level of intensity and passion about their niche that most people don't show when taking a group shot or a simple portrait, either.  This makes the whole experience so much more enjoyable.

No niche shots today, although Shannon is a amassing a very nice collection of sunset photos.


His note: The old homestead.

(This was the Pilon family home from the early 1950s to 2010.)


Her note: Tonight's sunset.


I had limited time outside to take something interesting.  As such, I didn't take anything interesting.  This is a picture of a pile of dirt on a street.  It has an interesting texture, though, so I can't beat myself up too much.

Tomorrow will be long, I think, which, I suppose is good, considering I'll have a lot of time to take a picture.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

"Photography, like alcohol, should only be allowed to those who can do without it." - 365 Project, Day 118

You close your eyes and feel the music come over you, beating intensely.  The beat takes over and you move with the rhythm.  You feel a small bump on your side, moving with you.  As you open your eyes, you scan the dancefloor, everybody moving in unison with the music.  It's dreamlike, as you lose yourself in the music.

Club photography must be, to those who enjoy the scene, very intense and very rewarding.  Bright colours flash everywhere, people dressed differently, always moving and always intense.  The energy must be through the roof at times, and you have to feel that energy, which can, for the good photography, translate to incredible shots of club experiences.  I would love to be able to do that on occasion, though I doubt clubs allow random patrons to bring expensive cameras to record the experiences.  Because of the quality of some compact cameras, I've taken some pretty nice pictures and videos of my club experiences, and it's a lot of fun.

Fun stuff for today.


His note: To Bell or not to Bell.


Her note: Such a beautiful day to go watch a ball game.

My pic

This is not the best club picture I've ever taken but I like the colours and the show of movement.  The music was good but the crowd wasn't very into it and only half of them were dancing.  It's still a decent shot with the contrast in lights and colours.

I am looking forward to tomorrow.  That is all.

"Which flash do I use to photograph the moon?" - 365 Project, Day 117

As promised, there's not much of a preamble to today's pictures.  I'm not as tired as I thought I'd be, but I'm still looking forward to my bed.  As such, on with the pictures.


His note: St-Laurent S.C. on a June Saturday at 10 AM.


Her note: Mmmmmm Ribfest!!!!

My picture

I was walking downtown to meet up with some friends and on the way there I saw this older gentlemen looking into this building that does off-track betting for races.  I just liked the look of it; kind of tragic, and a lot of fake stories can be conjured up.

I hope the next 20 hours go by quickly.

Friday, 24 June 2011

"To take photographs is to hold one's breath when all faculties converge in the face of fleeing reality. It is at that moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy." - 365 Project, Day 116

Considering I probably won't be able (or want to) write something tomorrow night, I feel I should write something.  I will, but it won't be particularly insightful.  (I will say that I'll probably regret using that quote on a post like today, because it's pretty insightful, and I could probably use it to better effect later.  Oh, well, other quotes exist.)

I was walking back home tonight, in the rain, but I didn't mind.  I enjoy the night, especially when it's raining.  As far as photography goes, the streets are made fairly photogenic.  There are reflections everywhere and the colours seem to glow.  I would love to one night (though not tonight because I have to wake up in the morning) to walk around downtown, in the rain, just taking pictures.  Apart from the practicalities of trying to zoom when you're carrying an umbrella, I believe it would be a good experiences, especially on a Friday or Saturday night, when the Market is bustling with clubbers, diners and other random people.

In case you can't see the pictures today (which would be very strange considering I make sure everything works perfectly every post), you're missing an airplane, a puddle and a big hole in the road.


His note: I wanted a photo of a plane today so went to the Rockliffe Airport.  Found this intriguing Chinese plane.  Seems like an imitation of the Japanese Zero, the tail wing rail is all wrong but the rest of the body is very close.


Her note: One of the many puddles from all that rain today.


Another typical street shot from yours truly.  A few construction workers surveying the situation and a couple of workers doing work.

I apologise in advance for not having anything interesting to say tomorrow.  I'd rather post something fairly interesting and funny, but, you know, stuff happens.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

"Eyes like a shutter, mind like a lens." - 365 Project, Day 115

In "Understanding Media", Marshall McLuhan (apart from using a lot of complicated words) proposed that every invention Man has created has been an extension of himself.  For example, a hammer is an extension of your hand.  Satellites would be the extension of the soul, if I remember correctly.

I would wonder if the camera would be an extension of the brain, or, more accurately, an extension of pure memory.  Cameras record what we see, without alterations.  They are, after all, recording devices, without bias or context, which is why they can be so powerful and dangerous at the same time.

Here are today's pictures.


His note: My first ever attempt at painting with acrylics.  Very primitive but I enjoyed doing it.


Her note: Storm approaching.

My picture

Another good day to stay inside and do nothing.  I did go out for a bit and liked these three gravel pyramids.  Like the Pyramids of Ottawa.

I'm not feeling tomorrow all that much, but maybe that's because I'm a bit tired right now.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

"My idea of a good picture is one that's in focus and of a famous person." - 365 Project, Day 114

Everybody has their own idea of what it is to have a good photograph.  Depending on your view of his work, the fact that this quote is attributed to Andy Warhol may sway you one way or another to his opinion.  Personally, I've seen in-focus pictures of famous people that aren't particularly flattering for both the subject and the photographer.

Unless, of course, Mr. Warhol means studio shots, in which case, I've still seen some photos that aren't particularly flattering for both the subject and the photographer.  There are rules to follow (as I've stated more than a few times before), but a lot of it is relative.

There are no famous people in these shots, but they are nice.  Not great, but nice.


His note: Went to the Rockeries Park in Rockliffe today specifically to get a photo of the fountain.   I took maybe 20 shots of the fountain but these two cherubs (for lack of a better term) jumped out at me more than the others.  I had to get out of there quickly as it started to rain.


Her note: As I was waiting for my dad to pick up his mustang I looked over and there was the back end of a pickup truck.

My picture

I was in the mood for street today but the weather disagreed with me and so decided to take this insanely cheesy shot of a staircase.  Eighteen floors, straight up!

I think I'll feel like street tomorrow, as well.  It'll be Thursday, so check back tomorrow to see.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

"Of course it's all luck." - 365 Project, Day 113

A great picture doesn't come around every day and, unfortunately, for everybody.  All forms of photography need some sort of extra something to make them good.  If I'm out trying to take street shots, and nobody's walking around, then there's a problem.  If I'm trying to take a landscape and all I see is a very bright, glaring sun, then there's a problem.  To be able to take a good picture, the environment has to be agreeable, and you have to be there to capture it.

Photography is not simply being at the right time at the right place - there's still a level of skill involved - but the universe has to be helpful to you in some way, and if it won't help you with your lovelife, or a better job, or a raise, then it sure better help you with a memorable moment here and there.

Being it's the summer solstice today, I think it's fitting there are sunset pictures to show off.  Both Shannon and I had the same idea.


His note: Front entrance to [Corel founder] Michael Cowpland's house.  It was said that the house was worth $20,000,000 when it was built.  Now apparently it is only worth $14,000,000.  Poor poor Mr. Cowpland...

(Candy Spelling, widow of Aaron Spelling, must know how it feels, as well.  Her $150 million mansion sold for a meager $75 million.  I simply don't know how she'll squeak by with so little...)


Her note: Pretty sunset.

(I concur.)

My picture

I had a picture of the moon taken in the morning, but once I saw the sunset, along with those clouds, I had to take a picture of it.  The colours were lush and the overall scenery gorgeous.  I wish I hadn't gotten the edge of the building in the top corner, but I'll make do with this picture for today.

Tomorrow, I feel a little bit street.

Monday, 20 June 2011

"Photography is nothing - it's life that interests me." - 365 Project, Day 112

As much as I enjoy photography, I have to agree with this quote.  The act of carrying around a camera with me is appealing only because I can capture moments that may seem interesting.  If I could, I would carry my 7D around with my.  The camera itself is a piece of technology that helps me capture moments.  (Though, to be fair, I'm such a tech geek that I do enjoy cameras on technological levels and how much companies can push the capabilities of sensors and lenses, but that's beside the point for the moment.)  The moments capture are more important than the gear lugged around.

Life is so vast, intricate and complex that photographing it seems to, on occasion, be the only way to slow it down and view it.  I didn't take any pictures earlier today because I was busy, so I left my apartment as the sun was going down,, with a clear idea of the picture I wanted to take.  Instead, I got sidetracked with something else and a 10-minute walk turned into a 70-minute photo detour.  Things are fascinating if you look around.  I keep telling myself that one day I'll wake up in the middle of the night and won't be able to go to sleep.  I'll end up walking downtown at 4am just to take pictures and see what's going on.

A sunset, some stairs and a small airplane are the subjects today.  How many times will you hear that in your life?


His note: These stairs had a little charm.  I like their structure.


Her note: An airplane made from coke cans.


I didn't intend to take a picture of the sky today, but the clouds and the sunset were just a great combination today.  The colours and texture were just brilliant.  A bit of boosting and it looks very nice, if a bit fake.  I don't mind, because I really like this picture today.

I have a good feeling about tomorrow.  We'll see how that translates for pictures.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

"It takes a lot of imagination to be a good photographer. You need less imagination to be a painter, because you can invent things. But in photography everything is so ordinary; it takes a lot of looking before you learn to see the ordinary." - 365 Project, Day 111

There's a website called  It's another one of those photo sharing sites, like Flickr or Picasa, only this one concentrates on the more serious photographer.  Indeed, the sites bills itself as being somewhat of a portfolio site and encourages people to post only their best pictures.  This definitely shows on the intensity of the pictures.  Some of them are very professional-looking and a lot of the photographers are pretty serious.  (I put up pictures taken with my Canon S95, and that seems to the least expensive camera used on the site by about $1500.)

I only post this because it's forcing me to step up my photography (today's picture notwithstanding, of course.)  I just see these pictures and tell myself that I could do something at just the same level, or better in some cases, and all it takes is a bit more patience and a bit more involvement on my part.  This site is giving me a slight drive in becoming better, which, I suppose, is pretty healthy.  I'll have to get my S95 fixed soon for reasons that aren't quite important, and I'll be without a compact camera for a few weeks.  It'll be different but it's going to force me to carry my 7D a lot more.  That, in turn, will hopefully make me want to explore new streets and different possibilities.  In turn, I may (or may not) have more appropriate level of pictures to post on 500px.

I definitely enjoy the two other pictures over mine today.


His note: Was out on this gorgeous morning.  Took a shot of this patio as two pedestrians were walking across the street.  A serene quiet scene and everybody seemed to be enjoying the morning.


Her note: This is kind of hard to see, but I went for a walk this evening and noticed this lamp post covered in vines.


What I have to say about it:  This is nothing special, despite my topic for today.  I saw him at 10 in the morning, in the little park outside my apartment building, playing his guitar.  As far as street goes, it's not very good, as I should have gotten much closer to him.  I still like it, and nothing else caught my eye today, despite the title of the post.

I'm not sure about tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll survive it.  There's nothing that seems negative or overwhelming about it.  We'll see where I end up in 24 hours.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

"A picture is worth a thousand words; a slide show is both." - 365 Project, Day 110

Slide shows will go a fair way in explaining various pictures and intentions, and if done right, even the view will find piecelets of entertainment in them.  It is good for both the presenter and the viewer.  However, one problem arises: what if the picture taken isn't very clear to the taker?

I quite enjoy my picture today.  It was snapped a slight bit after midnight, and I suppose I enjoy it because it somewhat (whether well or badly) represents suburban life.  This is where fuzziness enters the picture, because I'm not quite sure why it seems to represent it.  The surroundings definitely help with this feeling of out-of-city life, though this is not evident in the picture itself, given, logically enough, the surroundings are not actually in the picture.  So, in the end, perhaps this picture is special only to me, though I can't explain why it is special.

I like Shannon's picture today.  I described it as 'cute' to her.


His note: A mask my son Vinnie brought back from his trip to Korea when we visited Pat.


Her note: Didn't have time for a pic, so I just decided to take a picture of the time


It was too late for me to be in so far away from my apartment, but it did give me a chance to shoot a lot of pictures I can't normally take.  This is a simple shot and I just like the way it looks.  Simple, but, well, suburban.

"f/8 and be there." - 365 Project, Day 109

Yeah, nothing today.  Way too late/early for anything.


His note: There's an ongoing joke between Pat and I that when I park in a parking lot and I intentionally park far away from the door of the building so nobody would ding my car or park too close so I could not open my driver side door... and no matter how far away I park somebody inevitably parks close to my car even if there are many parking spots much closer to the store.  Here is the proof.  I went to the grocery store today (was in there for only 5 minutes) and parked far away from the entrance door. I was the only car in the parking row.  When I came out I just had to take this photo.  It's too funny. There are so many empty spots closer to the entrance but would they park way... sighhhhh


Her note: Loved the sky and that dot is actually a hot air balloon.


My note: There's still construction going on down the street, and this morning I grabbed this shot without stopping.  This man was just watching everybody work.  Maybe he was annoyed.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

"I see something special and show it to the camera. The moment is held until someone sees it. Then it is theirs." - 365 Project, Day 108

Given that my surge protector is going completely bonkers and keeps shutting down my router, I'll make this quick and kick the thing in the morning to make it work better.

Photography is a fairly personal thing.  When you take a picture, you see something through your eyes and it's your moment.  No one else has seen what you've seen and it's likely no else will.  That's why is such a compliment when someone tells you they like your picture.  It means something to them, and they see something special in it.  Whether it's the same thing you've seen or whether it strikes a particular memory or feeling in their own mind is unimportant.  What's important is there's a connection between two people, and that happens a lot less than it should.

Today's pictures are next.


His note: Went to do a load of laundry today and on my way back upstairs to my apartment I could not find my keys.  I ALWAYS lock my door (and bring my keys with me) when I go do laundry.  Didn't I feel silly when I got to my door.


Her note: My little guy was just enjoying the sunshine.


It's not Father's Day yet, but this is dedicated to my dad for Father's Day.  I was walking around downtown and these brothers (?) looking at this bike, the younger one seemingly entranced by it.

I think tomorrow will be good, though I can't say the same about my picture.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." - 365 Project, Day 107

This is the day where I don't really have anything to say.  I could go on about my day, but I have nothing to add in terms of photography.  I will say that a nice view doesn't necessarily translate into a nice picture.  Finding the right angle can be very tricky.  It also take experience to be able to know where to put the camera.  This is all things that have been said before.  I just wanted to reiterate these ideas.


His note: Pat drove to the Champlain lookout and then to Wakefield and back today.  We took tons of photos and this is my choice for today.  The fence was near the river in Wakefield but what makes it special is the electric plug on it.  Go figure!


Her note: Yay, the first strawberry in the garden.

My picture

I've been here before, but I have far more experience now than I did before.  I prefer the pictures I took today over last time.  There aren't many differences in the pictures.  I suppose my outlook just changed and I'm more confident now.

Tomorrow will be more relaxing.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

"The magic of photography is metaphysical. What you see in the photograph isn’t what you saw at the time. The real skill of photography is organized visual lying." - 365 Project, Day 106

Once again, I have a slight headache, though, again, I do have a small thought.  It's on the other side of the coin as yesterday's thought.

Give me two photographers.  One that likes a certain subject - say, food - and one that is indifferent, both of equal skill.  Will the photographer with a passion's photographs be more special, or show a special quality lacking from the other photographer's photos?  Not as interesting a thought, as it's less personal, but still an interesting query.


His note: I made the clock several years ago and the inukshuk was gift given to me several years ago.


Her note: My Michael Jackson voodoo doll.


My note: I would have preferred this as a low ISO picture where you can see all the details in the paint peeling, but I realised that if I would have taken this during the day, the contrast difference would have given me a fair bit of chromatic aberrations with this camera.  I like the grainy look, though.

The next couple of days will be very relaxed.  I will promise you that right now.