Saturday 14 May 2011

"Photography is like making cheese. It takes a hell of a lot of milk to make a small amount of cheese just like it takes a hell of a lot of photos to get a good one." - 365 Project, Day 75

I'll make this quick and maybe expand on this tomorrow, because, as sometimes happens, I am slightly on the tired side of things right now.  I need to keep myself busy with photography, especially in days when I don't feel too inspired.  I was pretty busy today, but I did see a few interesting things.

I've heard that to keep one interested and active with photography, there need to be projects, big or small.  Obviously, this 365 thing is a bigger project, but within that smaller things may help.  I have a few ideas, but I'll explain those later.

Here are today's pictures.


His note: Didn't feel much like going outside looking for photo opportunities today (rain again don't you know!) So I took out a dozen of my Tweety thingies.  It's true, I am a Q-TEE  (tii hii hii).


Her note: Mmmm... Dragon mojitos!


I was walking home and liked the puddle in the light of the sign (which is off-camera).  When a car passed by, it lit up the edge of the curb.  It's minimalistic and pretty blurry (and noisy), but it's a nice effect.

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