Thursday 31 March 2011

"Photography is truth. Cinema is truth 24 times per second." - 365 Project, Day 31

A friend of mine asked me to help her with a video resume idea she had.  Although I'm jumping at the chance to help her, I have very little videography experience beyond shooting bad singers at karaoke bars and shooting my cat chase his own tail.  I've learned enough to know the rules for photography don't overlap perfectly with those of video.

Lighting, composition and appearance are all relatively the same, but one of the simplest things, editing, is completely different.  (I just had a very odd thought.  Photography is not technically 3 dimensions, given that pictures are only on 2 axes (i.e. height and width).  If that's the case, can video be considered 3 dimensions, given the two picture axes and time axis?  Moving on.)  Whereas picture editing is only concerned with a minuscule amount of time concentrating on colours, exposure and detail, with video editing, time is infinitely more important and the other things enumerated have to be measured prior to shooting and cannot be as easily corrected post-process.  Though video is only shot at, say 24 frames per second, shutter speed is also a consideration when shooting with DSLRs, oddly enough (not to mention aperture and ISO).

We shall see how everything turns out and though the clip would be relatively short (say 30 seconds), my knowledge of the work ethic of he likes of Stanley Kubrick and Werner Herzog tell me this 30 seconds may prove to be quite the endeavor.

On to the pictures of the day, which show a very nice variety.


His note: This again is a gift from the melted ice on a sidewalk near my favorite grocery store... If you look closely at the melted water pattern it looks like the face of a cartoon monster.


Her note: Net of trees.


Her note: As I was waiting for the bus to come home, I saw these shoes.

My picture

On my way to work I took this shot and liked the composition.

For some reason, I want there to be rain tomorrow.  I don't think it'll happen.  I have the feeling it'll mostly be overcast, but we'll see.

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