Sunday 6 March 2011

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." - 365 Project, Day 6

Today's intro to the pictures will be very short, as it's somewhat later than I want, and I'm slightly more tired than I wish to be when writing these things.  (And besides, it's almost tomorrow already, and I need to post this before midnight.)  Suffice to say that, as you'll see in the pictures, the precipitation continued into the night, though the temperature dropped.  Upon waking up, everybody in Ottawa had much more snow to wade through on their way to school, work or the other side of the street.  I chose not to put my own snowy picture of covered cars in, given that it has already been covered.  Nor did a put in a picture of the gorgeous sunset tonight, as you'll see it has been done.  Instead, I chose something silly, but a moment that will forever be remembered.

To the pictures!


His note: I went out for a drive this morning to get my morning caffeine fix. The main roads were pretty decent but the side roads were treacherously slippery. Those who decided to walk in the snow were much smarter and definitely had much better traction.


Her note: After a last minute snowfall last night, everything was kissed with a touch of frost, a dash of ice, and a foot of snow.


Her note: Sunset as I was leaving work.


It was a friend's birthday and while talking and having fun, the restaurant staff sang happy birthday to her, and she had to wear this oversized, foam cowboy hat.

Day seven is next.  The first week done!

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