Thursday 24 March 2011

"Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution." - 365 Project, Day 24

I wasn't very much in the mood to write something yesterday, but I did have an idea for this preamble.  For reasons I don't need to get into at the moment, I watch an episode of America's Next Top Model yesterday.  That unusual for a few reasons, but the main reason being I don't care much for reality shows, least of which involving a bunch of self-important women 18 to 26 years old whining and gossiping like high-schoolers.  (To be fair, I don't think that all models in that age bracket are like that, but the ones in that particular episode didn't show the best qualities in human existence.  Such are reality shows, I suppose)  In any case, the show involved the models in a photo shoot with a leopard cub.  (On a side note, the photographer was using a Canon something, which is a bit strange in portrait photography, as I've heard many times Nikon produces better skin tones.)  They each had their own shoot, and the judges kicked one of them out based on the, ahem, best shot of each model's shoot and choosing the weakest photo.  I call shenanigans on the photos they chose being the best shot, but that's another story.  My main point of this is that, assuming these are the best shots, knowing cats, this baby feline will do anything but co-operate with anybody.  The photographer also has to find the best angle and direct the model, as the model can't see what shots are being taken.  Kicking a contestant out based on one shot is somewhat unfair, especially considering the prop involved.  It could easily be argued that, in this case, the model had the least important role in the whole affair.  I suppose I could tell myself it's only a television show and leave it at that.

I seem to think too much on inconsequential things from time to time (to time).  For easy proof of this, just ask me about the deeper meanings in the first 'Starship Troopers' movie.

On to the pictures before I start thinking too much again.


His note: I had no idea an abandoned glove could be the subject for a photo.


Her note: Took a little walk around the block and saw this reflected in a puddle. Literally STOPed me in my tracks. HAHA


Her note: This was given to me from my four year old niece.


I had no real inspiration today for a few reasons, but mostly because my S95's battery died and I couldn't take any shots with it.  It was too late and chilly to walk outside, but I did remember I had a stack of DVD and Blu-ray players in my bedroom that might make an interesting picture.  This is the result, for better or for worse.

Tomorrow will be better.

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