Tuesday 24 January 2012

"There's only one rule in photography - never develop colour film in chicken noodle soup." - 365 Project, Day 330

For some reason, everybody in photography (as in most other spheres) advise people to take risks, and go out there and to do what you love.  However, this type of advice has problems.  For one, this advice only comes from people who are successful in their craft.  I would love to hear what people struggling in, say, getting their wedding photography business off the ground, or someone trying to sell their street shots, or fine art photographs, would have to say.

Secondly, it's almost unanimous that professionals recommend to budding amateurs to not take out loans, or not to get in debt to get equipment, because can lead to big financial issues that are simply not worth it.  These, to me, seem somewhat contradictory.  Take risks, but not financial ones.  It's strange.

Having said that, I will try my best to get my hands on whatever new entry-level pro camera Canon will announce some time this year.

Here are our uploads for the day.


His note:


After the freezing rain yesterday, you knew today was going to be wet and slushy and this is the best example of that.  I don't think anybody walked in to work today and had dry feet.  Looking at it now, seems like my picture is a bit skewed.  As long as it shows off the slush, I'm happy.

Onto tomorrow, head on!

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