Tuesday 3 January 2012

"Sports are a lot like photography. If you don't focus, all you will get is the negative." - 365 Project, Day 309

I don't remember what I was looking at when I had this thought, but I was walking around work and had this thought about failing.  (Not that this thought is representative of anything at work.)  I ended up asking myself, how many shots are simply missed?  Whether because the composition wasn't was the shooter wanted, or because the camera (or photographer) over- or underexposed the image, or because the focus was missed, how many shots were just not successful?

This should very by person and time.  I'm sure that during the film days, a lot less shots were taken than now, in the digital age.  By sheer volume, there should definitely be more imperfect shots, but will proportions stand up?   I'm pretty certain in saying that more shots were carefully constructed during the film days, and so there were less flubs and mess-ups.  With cell phones being so popular in the past decade, being that everybody has shot with them, and how badly some of the cameras on phones perform, more missed photographs should occur.

Here are our shots that we didn't miss.


His note: Dude is NUTSO on 2 counts: one it's -30°C with the windchill and, two, it's -30°C with the windchill!

My picture

I was really hoping to find someone walking on the street to ask them to sit, cross their legs and look pensive, but, alas, nobody was around in this cold weather.  There seems to be something on this corner every week, but this is a bit more room-like than other weeks.  It looks kind of funny, I find, but I suppose new furniture is always being bought.  Tough decisions are being made every day.

I get to do fun things for the next couple of days, and hopefully I can show you some of them.

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