Monday 14 March 2011

"No place is boring, if you've had a good night's sleep and have a pocket full of unexposed film." - 365 Project, Day 14

If only photography could, for better or worse, capture aromas, as well as visuals.  It was a gorgeous day (read: not -12C with a massive windchill) so I took the very present opportunity to go walk around and I spent the better part of the afternoon strolling from street to street, seeing if anything interesting would catch my eye.  Indeed, there were many such things.  Now, most of the pictures seemed slightly more elegant in my mind than they actually did on my computer, but there's no harm in pressing a simple button to capture a few bits of information.  Regardless, walking around, the feel and texture of the street is likely what pushed me to press the shutter as many times as it did.  At times, the atmosphere is stronger than the composition.

When one looks around for inspiration, it will certainly be found.  I took pictures of streets, people, cars, buses and even a piece of paper on the floor.  Varying in degree of quality and artistry, some of the photos turned out to be pretty, well, picturesque.  It might be crazy for some to read I took roughly 310 pictures in a 4-hour time span, but for people who have looked around for things to shoot, it should not be that odd.  I am quite happy with my day, though my eyelids are now feeling the effects of too much walk and too little sustenance.

The pictures follow, as is pretty self-evident.


His note: I was taking photos around the lamp I had made to see if anything would work out and decided to take this shot... very innocent with no thought of ever using it but as it turned out it was the best of the entire series...


Her note: I was outside my house and a snowbank caught my eye. The very top has some icy crystal-like formations and they seemed to sparkle. I ran inside to get my camera and noticed the sun was directly across from me up in the sky. So I ended up half crouched in the snowbank and half in a deep puddle angling my body partially towards the sky. I picked this picture from the set I shot because there was a hole in the icy formation and I angled the camera to capture the sun in the hole. There was no editing done, the camera captured the sunbursts on its own. I love this picture and it was fun to take.


Her note: My crazy friend is always up to something!

My pic

As I was walking around the random streets I came across, I saw this dog enjoying itself looking at passersby on the street below.  I didn't get the straight-on angle I wanted, but I doubt the older gentleman shoveling the snow off his driveway would have appreciated my walking on his lawn just to take a picture of a dog.

It has now been a fortnight and the weather is warming up.  That means a lot more walking around and hopefully some interesting pictures.  We shall see!

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