Thursday 17 March 2011

"I shutter to think how many people are underexposed and lacking depth in this field." - 365 Project, Day 17

For reasons I don't want to get into at this particular moment, other than saying it's March 17th, I'll go ahead and skip the intro to this post.  I do have a subject I could talk about, but I'll scootch it over to tomorrow.  As for now, I'll just skip anything I would feel like saying and fast forward to the pictures.

Actually, I'm lying.  Two things.  1) I'm sorry about the incredibly stupid pun in the title.  I needed a generic title that didn't really have anything to do with the subject of my little intro.  (To be fair, it sort of matches my state of mind at this moment.)  2)  People who actually bother looking at the EXIF data on the flickr page I link my pictures to might notice that Mandy's picture was taken with my own camera, but I assure you it was taken by her.  We had a nice time for St-Patrick's Day, and she took that particular picture.  She just so happened to have been holding my camera.

The pictures today are good, and to my eyes figure into this project pretty well.  Again, and I really enjoy this, very diverse (though most of the have a common thread - what do you want, we're Canadians, and three of us four are partly Irish).


His note: This tattoo is a stylized clover made of skulls with a shamrock at its center. It represents the Celtic Brotherhood who are committed to raising money for charity while promoting human compassion in the community.  Have a Happy St-Patrick Day everybody!!!


Her note: St-Patrick's Day has come and passed for yet another year and during the festivities I decided to snap a picture of my green beads.  The table we were at was really old and antique-looking so I chose to lay the beads onto it to add a little something extra to the photo. Slainte.


Her note: As I was waiting for a bus on Preston street, I looked up and saw the funky street lamp.

My picture

As our afternoon wore on, the three of us at the table made a pyramid of our empty glasses.  The effect here is nice, as it reflects St-Patrick's Day without being green (to be fair, it could reflect any day, but I don't usually drink Kilkenny unless there's a reason, though my glasses say Keith's (don't ask)).

I will have a more interesting commentary for tomorrow's post, as today, as soon as I know this post will go up without a problem, I will go sleep.  I hope everybody reading this will have nice dreams tonight!

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